Seattle Art Museum Possibly Finds Desperately Needed New Renter for Empty Offices

We’ll start in Seattle this morning on our daily trip around the world, following up with the Seattle Art Museum, who you’ll remember has been on something of a roller coaster since the economy went south, first in seeing their top tenant, JP Morgan (taking over for the now defunct Washington Mutual) heading out of their new building, followed shortly thereafter by the news that the museum was far exceeding its estimates on the number of visitors who would be showing up at their front doors. While they’re still in the lurch by many tens of millions of dollars due to Morgan’s departure, it’s been hinted that they may have found a possibly savior in the form of a company called Russell Investments, who may or may not be in talks right now to take over the office space, thus allowing the museum to start taking in some monthly rent again in their new building (which is largely the cause of a lot of this headache).