More Icograda Design Week

Last week, Seattle hosted the first-ever Icograda conference on US soil, with a lineup that makes us feel like we were slapped in the face with our American ignorance–we’re ashamed, actually, that we’ve never heard of so many of these people before. Never fear, Vesna Petrovic is here to fill in the gaps. Read her first report here.

Andrea Marks is Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at Oregon State University. She presented a research project about the Polish posters, “Freedom on the Fence.” She filmed the works and interviewed some of the leading Polish poster designers. In the movie she questioned the problem of the disappearance of the Polish poster subculture that is being replaced by the Westernized ways of advertising like billboards. Also in the Communist times Polish poster production was valued more and was also supported by the Communist government which is not the case any more (or it is, but in much smaller percentages). Few designers started the movement of protecting the poster heritage of the Polish poster and they are also trying to revive the production of posters in Poland today. Great documentation of past times and of changing
times and how designers cope with the change.

Halim Choueiry is from Qatar, originally from Lebanon, Assistant Professor at the School of the Arts at Qatar. Witty presentation! A showcase of everyday design from the streets of Lebanon, Syria and Qatar.

Henk van Assen is Director of Undergraduate Studies at Yale School of Arts–a great presentation by yet another great Dutch designer. Good showcase of his work. Great concept, great type and great images! I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Read interviews with Marks, Choueiry and van Assen, courtesy Design Taxi. Also, don’t miss coverage from Marian Bantjes (including her anti-goody bag manifesto) over at Speak Up.