Does Gawker Have Screen Grabs of Sarah Palin's Personal Email Acct?

It looks like John McCain’s aversion to the Google may be a good thing after all, or at least something to be envied if you’re Sarah Palin. It’s been widely been reported that Palin routinely used a private email to conduct state business raising questions regarding government transparency. Well, the transparency question may have been solved, though probably not in a manner to Palin’s liking!

Gawker is reporting that they’ve got their hands on screen grabs of Palin’s private emails, including never-before-seen family pictures, and that the emails and pics look to be the real thing. Some anonymous soul apparently hacked into the account and got the goods before the email password was changed (and deleted! perhaps illegally!). Will this turn out to be some sort of election game-changer on Gawker’s part? At this point absolutely nothing would surprise us. And we mean that.

Gawker: Sarah Palin’s Personal Emails