BuzzFeed Explains Egyptian Revolution with Jurassic Park Gifs

You never know what BuzzFeed will publish next, but let’s hope “The Story of Egypt’s Revolution In Jurassic Park Gifs” is the bottom of the barrel. Yes, BuzzFeed somehow thought explaining the terrible situation in Egypt — rapes, police murdering over 50 peaceful protestors, etc. — with gifs of a dinosaur movie was a good idea.

The article is disgusting on a variety of levels, but here’s Slate’s take, which we thought summed everything up nicely:

Jurassic Park is an entertaining film, but it is not allegorically deep enough to convey the complexity or tragedy of what’s going on in Egypt. BuzzFeed’s GIF-ification of Egypt’s civil conflict belittles the pain of people whose lives have been upended by violence and surely confirms the suspicion of many non-Americans that we in the U.S. do not take their lives and circumstances seriously.

For a site that desperately wants everyone to take it seriously, BuzzFeed sure does make it difficult to do so.