Billy Crystal Joins September 11th Memorial Board

Some possibly good news for the September 11th Memorial project in NY this weekend. It’s been announced that the actor Billy Crystal has agreed to join the board of the project, helping to raise more money which will hopefully keep things moving along more smoothly in a space plagued with setbacks and pushback on what year the memorials and the surrounding new buildings will be finished. And hey, now the Memorial group has a permanent MC for any and all fundraisers. So that has to help everyone’s mood about the project, too. Here’s a bit from the BBC:

Crystal said he was “honoured” to join the organisation and have the opportunity to “contribute to the creation of a permanent national memorial”.

The star, who was born in New York, added that the project was “an opportunity to demonstrate New York’s strength and resolve, whilst ensuring that the memories of the lives lost are never forgotten”.

So far the foundation has raised more than $350m from private funds towards the memorial.