Risen/Broder's Other Job

Unattributable.com — “Hot Humor, Idle Chatter, and Wildly Unsubstantiated Rumor” — heard that New York Times reporters James Risen and John Broder were the writers behind “Deng Xiaoping Is a Chain-Smoking Communist Dwarf: The Sayings of Pat Buchanan” (they operated under the pseudonym of “S. Thomas Colfax”).

When approached by FishbowlDC, a New York Times spokesperson didn’t deny that the work was Risen/Broder’s, but did take exception with Unattributable.com’s headline (“Revealing Pseudonymed New York Times Authors”).

“It is completely inaccurate to describe them as ‘pseudonymed New York Times authors’ since they didn’t work here when they did this,” said the spokesperson. (Risen/Broder were at the Los Angeles Times at the time.)