Nat Geo's 'Seal Team Six' Debuts at Newseum

Last week we learned that famed Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein had allegedly cooked the film “Seal Team Six” to add more footage of President Obama. Last night, the film premiered at the Newseum to a packed theater of politicos, journalists, actors and more. Harvey didn’t make it. He’d planned to attend Monday’s screening, but Hurricane Sandy stole his thunder (sorry, we couldn’t resist).

“Harvey did make me make some changes to the movie, but he didn’t make me have Obama kill Osama bin Laden,” joked the film’s director, John Stockwell, just before the film began. (Stockwell is pictured here.)

Stockwell says he feels this film gives him some legitimacy, that is, if you count cable news as legitimate. “Instead of getting to answer the how did you get Jessica Alba to wear such a tiny bikini question, I get to go on Meet the Press, CNN and MSNBC.”

See which journalists, politicos, bigwigs, showed up…Attendees: U.S. News & World Report‘s Rob Schlesinger, DCist‘s Ben Freed, The Atlantic Wire’s John Hudson, Politico’s Olivia Petersen, Publicist and Hollywood on the Potomac blogger Janet Donovan, Raptor Strategies’ David Bass, The Hill‘s Emily Goodin, MPAA Prez Chris Dodd, and Nat Geo’s David Lyle.

Dodd movingly recalled his first child, a daughter named Grace, was born 36 hours after 9-11 struck. Lyle, meanwhile, made lackluster jokes about Sandy and gave Weinstein a good kick in the pants. “Sandy doesn’t sound dramatic enough of a name to cause that much destruction,” he said. “It should be Cassandra, but that’s another discussion.” On Weinstein, he said, “Harvey unfortunately had to be in Los Angeles. I say unfortunately but he would have spoken for 20 minutes. Draw your own conclusions.”