Good Morning FishbowlDC Readers


D.C. journos chime in on Libya bombings

“Fuck. Another war.” – Washington Examiner‘s Tim Carney.

“Massive anti-war protests against Obama in 3,2, never.” – Slate‘s Dave Weigel.

“Odyssey Dawn. Military Operation or band at SXSW?” – SNL’s Seth Meyers. ABC’s Jake Tapper responded: “@sethmeyers21 I saw them at Libyapalooza with No-fly Zone, East of Surt, and Sons of Moammar.” WCP‘s Benjamin Freed also chimed in: “Can’t it be both?”

Newt Gingrich currently going through old speeches on his computer, frantically search-replacing ‘Kosovo’ with ‘Libya.'” – Dan Munz in a Saturday tweet. Last night, he added: “Journalists covering Libya: Wolf Blitzer applauds your work! You have not struggled in vain!” (Munz isn’t a journalist, but he’s a D.C. Twitter-er.)

Who does Mike Riggs hang out with, anyway?

“One of my friends just told me he was leaving soon to attend a (grown) coworker’s birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. What. The. Fuck.” – The Daily Caller‘s “Daily Baller” in a Saturday tweet.

Ever the optimist

“Such a gorgeous day outside; surely, it’s only a matter of time before those gawd-awful leaf blowers start up to ruin it….” – WaPo‘s Ron Charles.

Poor cleaning lady

“Indonesian cleaning lady asked for music. Thought she wanted maria callas. Put on opera. She frowned all day, wanted MARIAH CAREY!” – ABC7’s Stephen Tschida. Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. At least you’ll know for next time.

Fishbowl’s favorite amateur photographer, CNN’s Ed Henry, shares some pictures of his trip to Brazil. A sampling:

“@savannahguthrie stylishly swoops into potus trip in #Rio

“G’morn from #Rio, 2 bad i am working all day”

“Sun setting on Rio”