Now You Can Apply For Photobucket Jobs On Your Phone (But Do You Want To?)

InformationWeek has an article about Photobucket’s hiring practices, which include using the SmartRecruiters hiring application to post jobs and organize applicants.

SmartRecruiters, as of just over a week ago, has created mobile-optimized careers pages for all its clients, so you see a much less annoying site when you click on a job link on your phone.

“Now, when a potential candidate uses a mobile device to click through from a listing on Dice, Indeed, or any other job site,” says InformationWeek, “he gets a mobile-ready version of Photobucket’s recruiting site. Then, if a job seeker is so inclined, he can apply directly from a phone or tablet. Given the adoption boom, [VP of HR Fred] Holt sees mobile as an important, growing part of talent recruiting.” Mobile recruiting is especially important for hiring quality assurance people and designers, which Holt said are particularly hard to find.

But as DamnYouAutocorrect and similar sites show, typing on a mobile phone is still a risky proposition. And the jury’s still out as to whether anyone will use a mobile site to apply for a job, rather than just look at what’s out there. Even Photobucket’s Holt agrees: “More likely people are using the app as they’re having lunch or on the weekend to search for what jobs are out there–and then very well may go to the Web to apply and do cover letters and that sort of thing.” But he adds, “It’s one more arrow in the quiver here–it certainly can’t hurt.”