The 'I Quit Girl' Hangs Out with Carson Daly

The Next Media Animation saga of Marina Shifrin is a story tailor-made for TODAY‘s new “Orange” guy. And so, this morning, there she was, recounting the madness to Carson Daly.

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Shifrin told Daly she is still mulling over a job offer by The Queen Latifah Show as a west coast based digital content producer (the show films on the Sony Studios Culver City lot). From Taipei… to LA… to Manhattan, all thanks to a creative resignation.

Instead of feuding with Jimmy Kimmel, maybe Kanye West should chime in on Twitter about this. To our knowledge, he has not commented yet. A subtext to all this is that the 25-year-old Shifrin had recently been put on the graveyard shift at NMA; she suggests that the overnight “disconnection” from reality may have contributed to the impulse for the dance exit.

Previously on FishbowlNY:
Next Media Animation Responds to Mizzou Quitter