National Press Club, Poynter Team Up For Talk on Journalism Gender Gap

presclubFinally, we have an opportunity to let out all our feelings about the firing of Jill Abramson and the massive journalism gender problem on our hands someplace other than the Internet.

Poynter and The National Press Club have agreed to co-host a discussion forum called “Closing Journalism’s Gender Gap: A Forum on Women and Leadership” in Washington, D.C. on June 30, designed to address newsroom culture in America as it relates to gender.

Questions to be asked include “Why has the number of women leaders in media remained unchanged over the past decade?, “Has the focus on new technology affected the advancement of women leaders in newsrooms?, and “What news organizations have effectively advanced women leaders, and how did they do it?” (Good luck answering that one).

Speakers reflect some of the publishing industry’s most influential women:

Carolyn Ryan, Washington bureau chief for The New York Times
Susan Goldberg, editor in chief of National Geographic and former president of the American Society of News Editors
Lynette Clemetson, director of editorial initiatives at NPR
Patti Dennis, director of recruiting for Gannett Broadcasting
Anders Gyllenhaal, vice president of news for McClatchy Newspapers
Kelly McBride, Poynter’s vice president of academic programs
Jill Geisler, senior faculty for Poynter’s leadership and management division, as moderator

Lady power! It’s obvious that we’re way past due on a gathering like this, but it’s nice to see Poynter and the NPC getting after such a complicated, difficult issue. At the same time, it’s unfortunate to see the industry tackling these things in a reactive rather than proactive manner, but perhaps we’ve been so busy talking about digital ad revenues and online innovation reports that we needed a real show-stopper like Abramson’s outing to get our attention. For a good primer before the event, check out this link round-up from our Karen Fratti.

We don’t know of an event hashtag yet, but will update here when we get it. In the meantime, follow Twitter updates from the National Press Club here, and if you’re able to attend the event in the nation’s Capitol, buy tickets here.