National Journal's Fournier Finds Halloween Love

On Halloween, fast food chain White Castle tweeted out the question, “What are you dressed as?” First of all, maybe we should make a new rule, if you’re old enough to have a Twitter account, you’re too old to dress up for Halloween.

In any event, one person who responded was National Journal’s Editor-in-Chief Ron Fournier. He replied, “True story: Met my wife while dressed as @whitecastle hamburger in ’83. She was (and is) an angel.”

Awwww. While it’s a sweet story, I’d have a really hard time equating the love of my life with tiny, steamed hamburgers. We spoke with Fournier about that fateful night…

He tells FBDC, “It was at a Halloween party at an apartment near the university we both attended, the University of Detroit in Detroit, Mich. I was shy and she was (and is) clearly out of my league so it took a special “slow” song for me to screw up my courage and ask her to dance. It was Willie Nelson’s ‘Angel Flying to Close to the Ground.’ He’s my favorite singer/writer and Lori was dressed as an angel.”

So for all of you lovesick kids out there, it sounds like a combo of fast food adored by pot-smoking college kids, music by the perpetually high Willie Nelson and a little slow dancing just might be the key to a young woman’s heart. It worked well for Fournier. He tells us that he and his wife, Lori, celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary last April.