Iraqi Government Announces New National Flag Design Competition

Okay, so we’ve all heard about design competitions put on by various governments, with everything from stamps to murals to those stupid child-drawn city stickers we have to shell out $75 bucks for every year here in Chicago. It’s a quick, cheap way to get some free press once a winner is selected and a method of making constituents feel like they’re involved. But what does it say when an entire country decides to hold a design contest to have someone come up with a new national flag? We’ll have to wait for an answer to that, as the Iraqi government has just kicked off a design competition to find a new flag. Here’s a bit:

Lawmaker Mufeed al-Jazairi announced the competition on Tuesday. He says interested people have until the end of September to submit their designs.

Al-Jazairi says a committee will select three designs to be presented to the parliament, which will vote on a new flag by the end of this year.