Farewell to FishbowlLA's Tina Dupuy

Here at FishbowlDC we don’t often get to interact with our sister sites of FishbowlNY and FishbowlLA, but in the instances that we do it makes for a delightful engagement. Today we say goodbye to FishbowlLA Editor and syndicated columnist Tina Dupuy with a mixture of gratitude, melancholy and good wishes as she heads to Crooks and Liars to take up the post of Managing Editor. When I first started FishbowlDC she was a godsend of advice for whatever hole I had fallen into that day. As a comedian, she kept me in stitches with her profanity-laced emails when way too serious was not the way to go. While sifting through old emails, in one inexplicable instance she wrote, “Dude, if you’re faking the flu – which I don’t want to know if you are – I have much respect. In fact – that is hilarious of you. If you are actually sick…feel better. Sorry to hear.” For the record, cough cough, I don’t feign illness as a general principle because it’s the surest way to get sick. Dupuy answered an obscene amount of questions day or night and counseled me on ignoring online nastiness, or rather, clued me in on how to engage it.

We caught up with Dupuy today for an Exit Interview of sorts. Want more Tina? Follow her at @tinadupuy.

1. Why are you going to Crooks and Liars? It covers national politics which is what I was told I would never be able to make a living at writing about. So suck it person who said that to me.

2. What are your top few memories at FBLA? I covered Comic Con one year, knowing nearly nothing about comics or pop culture stuff there. It was quite literally alien with people dressed as aliens.

3. What will you miss most? Book parties. Free books and food! I hope I still get invited to those. Hint. Hint.

4. What will you miss least? I hate reading click-throughs and I hate hiding posts (i.e. Hiding half of posts. Only showing one paragraph. If a post is longer than a paragraph it gets hidden. Your predecessor, Patrick Gavin, was the king of click-thru posts. What’s with all the clicking to read?! Hate.) Hate it. Let those posts free! Let your freaky long posts fly! There – I said it. No “more!” That’s a joke for you formatting nerds. Seriously. That bugged me.

5. What’s your take on the current state of politics in this country? I think we should all note what the word “schadenfreude” is in Mandarin. Think about it.