Dan Abrams and David Zinczenko to Decide The Fate of Man

Everyone likes to debate manhood lately, so why not toss some more wood onto that fire? Two of New York’s most powerful (and manly?) media men – Dan Abrams and David Zinczenko – are going to talk it out in a debate at NYU’s Skirball center on September 20, as part of the Intelligence Squared debate series. Abrams will be arguing that “men are finished,” while Zinczenko will be arguing against that notion.

And because men really don’t know much anyway, two women will be joining them. Hanna Rosin, an award-winning journalist, will be paired with Abrams, and Christina Hoff Sommers, a feminist scholar and author, will be with Zinczenko.

Tickets for the event just went on sale, so be sure to buy one and check this out. The night is sure to entertaining.