C-SPAN Peeks Under National Review's Hood

On Friday morning, C-SPAN will set up shop in National Review‘s newsroom near Union Station to broadcast “Washington Journal.” And just in case anyone from the Democratic line gets wigged out by this, later this month, they’ll dive into Mother Jones‘ Washington bureau as well.

Come on. Who says C-SPAN isn’t fair and balanced?

“Washington Journal” Executive Producer Michele Remillard explained that… they are dedicated to going on location and learning more about the inner workings of newsrooms around town. “Every now and then we like to spotlight just one, look under the hood and look at how this place runs,” Remillard told FishbowlDC in a phone interview. “We like to reflect where journalism is. It has changed so much and we want to keep up with it and share the differences with viewers.”

Some of the things they’ll ask about National Review and others: What’s their mission, readership, and philosophy? Friday’s lineup of interviews is as follows: Jack Fowler, Publisher, Robert Costa, Washington Editor, Ramesh Ponnuru, Senior Editor and Jonathan Strong, political writer.