Bill Werde: 'iTunes' Success Does Not Equal Billboard's Detriment'

The lifeblood of Billboard has always been its music charts, like the Hot 100 or Top 200 Albums. Yet, now that Apple has officially killed Tower Records, it’s easy to assume that the Billboard brand is suffering right along with physical album sales.

Not true, says editorial director Bill Werde. With conferences like its upcoming Country Music Summit and cover subjects that keep folks buzzing, Werde says his mag has been able to adapt (thrive, even) with the times.

“I think there’s some important differentiation between what iTunes does and what Billboard does,” @bwerde explained. “I think iTunes is great for measuring immediacy. If you wanna see just a quick thing, like someone was on Glee last night. [To see] how did that song do, the next morning you can go to the iTunes chart and see there was an immediate response.”

In the full video, Werde details more of Billboard‘s cover strategy and reveals whether  he’s Team Kim or Team Nicki.

You can also watch this video on YouTube.

Part 1: Billboard‘s Bill Werde: ‘If You’re Gonna Write About Music, You Better Love It’
Part 2: Billboard‘s Bill Werde Takes On Idol, Reality TV