Pranav Yadav

In his role with neuromarketing ad-tech company Neuro-Insight, Yadav takes the power corporations have in shaping the world seriously. “In the past, kings and queens may have controlled culture,” he said. “Today, that power—and responsibility—sits with businesses as they control the myths and the stories that we consume.” A principal player in building the neuromarketing industry and advising companies on making connections with consumers, Yadav focuses as much on human development as he does on the bottom line. Measuring the physiological and neural signals of consumers to gain insights into their motivations might have sounded like a lofty sci-fi concept two decades ago, but it’s the world Neuro-Insight works in every day. “I am excited about helping create culture by understanding the deepest drivers of human motivation,” he said, “so we can appropriately direct these billions of dollars toward creating the society we want to create.” Yadav utilizes philosophy and poetry to help businesses reach the people they serve. “We believe that the source of all significant human achievement lies in the subconscious becoming conscious,” he said, “ … and reminding the rest of our fellow planeteers of this secret that we’ve known for at least 5,000 years in wisdom traditions and at least for a 100 years in modern science is an ongoing quest.” —Sara Century