The Audience Data Quality Issue You Didn’t Know You Had

Leading experts from Oracle, Mindshare and NBS Metrics speak out on the challenges of verification

Marketers spend a lot of time and money trying to reach the right person, at the right time with the right message. But how do you know that the people you’re targeting are actually who you think they are?

“In order to verify an audience, you’d have to speak to a person at some point,” Adam Heimlich, founder of NBS Metrics, says in the above video. “There’s bias in the ad tech world that things should be automated and quantified with as little human interaction as possible.”

This simple error causes massive waste, and a painful amount of campaign value gets left on the table. Audience verification is a huge challenge. Sherman Langford, senior director of data science analytic integrity at Oracle Data Cloud, explains, “In addition to really strong internal audit programs, we believe that strong external audit programs need to be in place too.”