It’s Not Too Late to Enhance Your Holiday Campaigns With Digital Audio

Consumers are a species of contradictions. We yearn to hear sounds of the holiday season as we browse the aisles at Nordstrom’s, yet we order our favorite Burberry coat online. We shop websites early for holiday sales, yet we arrange for in-store pick-up to preview our gifts in-person.

Whether you’re just getting into planning your holiday campaign, or adjusting what you already had in place, digital audio can help you connect with your audience, no matter who they are or where they’re listening. Here are three ways to boost your holiday season success with audio.

1. Maximize your campaign for hybrid holiday shopping

The modern shopper has evolved, due to rapid innovations in tech and a desire to stay home. While some are still nervous about the pandemic, many are excited about the return to in-store shopping this holiday season, with over seven in 10 listeners planning to shop this way. 

The shopper journey has been enhanced to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers. With so many ways to grab your gifts this season, consumers are embracing hybrid shopping behaviors to experience the best of both worlds, and marketers are looking for creative ways to reach these consumers. This means an optimized strategy across multiple touchpoints and devices is key.

With the shift in campaign goals and shopping experiences, marketers have an opportunity to bridge the gap between consumer expectations and shopping experiences. Our listener data from a 2021 Year-Round Holidays Poll shows two in three gift-givers say they could be influenced by streaming audio or podcast ads in their holiday spending.

The more options brands can provide, the better: curbside pickup, free shipping and returns, etc. Some listeners expressed being overwhelmed and exhausted with everything going on, while others indicated they were nervous and taking precautions to keep loved ones safe. Brands that make it as easy as possible for consumers to shop and continue holiday traditions will come out on top.

No matter how holiday shoppers plan to check everyone off their “nice list,” one thing is for sure: Audio enhances the holiday shopping experience for all.

2. Put a sonic strategy into place ASAP

Not only have consumer shopping behaviors shifted, so has their affinity to streaming audio—especially among our multicultural audiences—which means a sonic strategy is essential.

Unlike other forms of media, digital audio ads can be produced quickly and dynamically. Without hefty and costly production timelines, you can get your message out to the masses, all while staying flexible.

Have a new last-minute deal? Or a new curbside option? Let listeners know through an audio ad, and even personalize based on location or day. The great thing about audio, too, is that it’s available when visual media isn’t. So, you can reach holiday shoppers with a meaningful message even when their screens are out of view.

We know that podcast listeners lean in. Because they trust their favorite hosts and identify deeply with the content, they are highly receptive to audio ad messaging. And audiences are not just listening to audio—they’re engaging with the content and taking action. According to our Podsurvey listener data, 86% of Stitcher listeners say they have taken action as a result of hearing a podcast ad. 

Need a personalized ad experience? Want to promote an exclusive discount? Looking to tap into a creative storytelling ad format? Allow a podcast host to tailor your holiday message in a host-read ad.

A sonic strategy that connects with holiday listeners at various touch points in their shopping journey is a gateway to holiday success. The purchase process should be simple and seamless. Make ads shoppable. Optimize ad creative to include a clear call to action. Be early for the season, prioritize deal seekers and target a holiday mindset to reach shoppers this year—online, in-store and on the go.

3. Reach holiday shoppers wherever they are

This year, shoppers are looking for meaningful experiences and guidance in navigating an evolving shopping ecosystem. According to our 2021 holiday study, almost one in three listeners said they would like to hear how companies and brands are helping them shop the way they want to, whether in-person or online.

With brand loyalty taking a new shape, consumers are searching for their new favorite brands by seeking those doing more to build an emotional connection and provide them with an experience they cannot find elsewhere—offering opportunities to learn more about their own shopping behaviors with recommendations, predictions and consumer data insights. In fact, almost half of our 150 million listeners say they enjoy searching for what they like online, with the option of home delivery or purchasing in-store.

Yes, we get it. For us in the marketing world, holiday media and marketing planning has, in some cases, been on the books since July. And you may be sick of hearing about it. However, we’ve learned that we need to stay flexible and continue to adapt as the world around us remains in flux. SXM Media keeps marketers in mind, offering scaled audio products and services that reach audiences wherever they listen across music, talk radio and podcasts.

This year will be a competitive one—full of surprises. With many retailers right-sizing, rebranding and repositioning into the holiday season, brands should remain agile and open to re-imagining customer experiences, consistently. In lieu of the many unknowns, one thing we know for sure: Audio is a constant companion, an emotional connector and a strategic opportunity for brands to add value to the holiday shopping experience in the midst of this “Retail Renaissance.”