Thursday Stir

By Kyle O'Brien 

-The San Francisco Ballet has joined forces with The Shipyard to attract younger generations to the upcoming “Mere Mortals” world premiere performances. SF Ballet’s new advertising creative partner utilized AI for an ambient campaign aiming to attract those who “don’t watch ballet” with tongue-in cheek, ChatGPT-generated critiques of the ballet’s novel narrative performance. The Shipyard’s creative team anchored its new campaign on the idea that ChatGPT is the closest thing to an AI celebrity and a surprising endorser of the classical form of dance.

-In the latest episode of The Speed of Culture, Matt Britton speaks with Kevin Moffitt, president of Office Depot and OfficeMax.


-Why did the Solo Stove and Snoop Dogg partnership go up in smoke? Sam Joseph, CRO for Kyra, a global leader in tech-powered creator marketing, takes a look at the effort.

-To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of “Baby One More Time,” Britney Spears partnered with Snapchat to release two AR lenses, a Spotlight Challenge and more.

-RSW has released its 2024 RSW/US New Year Outlook Report with a view that over half of marketers are anticipating improved business performance in 2024.

-In a new campaign from independent agency Erich & Kallman, two colleagues test their “best coffee” hypothesis with a bizarre control group: mutant lab rats.

-Gummi candy brand Haribo and agency Barkley kicked off the new year with a Guinness World Records achievement, earning the title of “The World’s Largest Jelly/ Gummy Candy Mosaic.” Haribo pursued the record-breaking achievement to inspire continued creativity and endless childlike happiness form its fans. The mosaic measured 353.1 square feet and was made of approximately 150,000 HARIBO Goldbears. It took four hours to complete and was laid by hand by 300 of Haribo’s associates, their friends and family, as well as community partners, including the Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Haribo took a Guinness World Record with its gummi bear mosaic.
