Swap Ad Fatigue for Ad Intrigue

Swap Ad Fatigue for Ad Intrigue

How to keep viewers hooked on your next ad campaign

The opportunity to amplify audience connection has never been louder. But as ads continue to creep into every crevice of consumer lives, the potential for viewers to experience ad fatigue is also high.

To keep your message fresh, updating your creative approach is a must. “Your Guide to Data-Driven Creative Refreshes on Connected TV,” from MNTN breaks down the best practices, benefits and steps needed to maintain viewers and maximize your media budget.

Key takeaways include:

  • Smash screen ubiquity: 87% of TV viewers watch with a second screen in hand—a smart distraction could not be more welcome.
  • Revel in real time: Creative refreshes via CTV produce consumer feedback as it happens (unlike on linear), ensuring that your advertising budget is well-spent.
  • Capture your creativity: Bottle your best ideas into an asset library to accelerate your ability to address ad fatigue in the future.

Supercharge your ad campaigns with the power of a well-timed and well-executed creative strategy. Download the guide today.