Wednesday Stir

By Kyle O'Brien 

-In “playlists nobody asked for” news, Lucky Charms has come out with a Spotify playlist of eight songs from mascot Lucky the Leprechaun. The tunes are from the first album by Lucky, unsurprisingly called “Magically Delicious,” after his stereotypical brogue-tinged catchphrase.

The songs cover different genres, though all are quite poppy in production. The sing-along video for “Clover Jig” features an intro by Lucky and an earworm of a song that won’t necessarily make you want to eat a sugary children’s cereal. Anomaly is credited with the campaign.


-The latest installment of Open Plan features Kerry McKibbin, president and partner at Mischief @ No Fixed Address, discussing the agency opening during the pandemic and empathy in the workplace.

-Deutsch New York has named its first chief marketing officer, appointing Nicole Souza to the new role.

-Gorilla Rx, a Black female-owned dispensary that recently opened, has created a series of wild postings and a massive mural in its Los Angeles neighborhood.

-In-content advertising company Mirriad and tech-led communications business Looping Group have signed a partnership agreement.

-The next generation of marketers has a request for ad agencies: Break up with Big Oil.

-Polish beer brand Żubr expanded a national park in Poland to help protect endangered species.

-The last slide of an agency presentation can be dull, ranging from the simple thank you slide to pictures of the agency office. Online educational platform Skillbox teamed with Bonnie&Slide presentation academy and Possible Group for “The Last Slide,” which turns a usually throwaway slide into an educational call to action.

The concept lets agencies sell space on the last slides of their presentations, promoting professional courses to the likes of marketing directors, creative officers and copywriters. A video shows how it is working in Russia.
