The Most Important Trends in Podcasting

The Most Important Trends in Podcasting

Brand opportunities are growing as more audiences flock to the medium

When it comes to podcasts, everything is trending up, with a 69% YoY increase in unique listeners and a 61% jump in content downloads. Fans are captivated and opportunities for brands to reach these engaged audiences are multiplying. But who exactly are these listeners and how do you reach them?

SXM Media’s “2023 Podcast Trends Report: The Who’s Who” explores 15 distinct listener personas across five content genres. It details who they are, why they listen and what resonates with them, as well as specific brand opportunities dialed in to each genre.

Insights include:

  • Comedy is more than laughs: Nearly all (94%) of comedy listeners take action after hearing a podcast ad.
  • True crime is brand safe: Advertisers can be confident that armchair detectives respond to ads that are interesting, relevant, likeable and edgy.
  • Lifestyle and entertainment inspire loyalty: One in three listeners of this genre go out of their way to support the brands that sponsor their favorite podcasts.

Get ready to reach podcast listeners where it matters. Download the report.

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