Do You Track the Ongoing Health of Your Brand?

Do You Track the Ongoing Health of Your Brand?

An action plan for better marketing

How closely are you monitoring the health of your brand? Probably not enough, and that’s because you’re not putting adequate resources behind brand tracking. Brand tracking looks at the strength of your organization’s brand over time, visualizing trends and highlighting the impact of your marketing campaigns. It’s key to identifying your competitive advantage and growing market share.

“Brand Tracking 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Measuring Brand Health,” an ebook from Hanover Research, breaks down how companies can develop a brand tracking strategy, including step-by-step guidance on putting it into action.

Among the topics covered in the ebook:

  • Key brand health metrics: From awareness to net promoter score, the six KPIs every brand needs to regularly track.
  • Analyzing your results: How can you identify patterns in your brand health and use it to inform your strategic initiatives?
  • Take action: It’s not enough to simply track your results; use your insights to adjust your marketing programs and refresh the tracking strategy itself.

You track your own health; track your brand’s health, too. Download the ebook.

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