Wednesday Stir

By Kyle O'Brien 

-Motor oil brand Mobil 1 has launched the “Keep Route 66 Kickin’” campaign to help preserve one of America’s most famous roads for motorists—the historic Route 66. The brand wants to encourage drivers that the best route can be the scenic route. To highlight this, the Mobil 1 Muffler Man will travel the iconic roadway, stopping at small businesses along the way—and spotlighting their impact on Route 66 through world record attempts. Fans can explore to discover more about the historic highway—and show their support for the local businesses along the road.

-American Airlines named Walton Isaacson its multicultural agency of record, attempting to “better connect with Black travelers.”


-Last week, France made history as the first European country to ban fossil fuel ads, and this is why it matters.

-Unilever is the latest business to fall foul of ad regulators for making “unclear” claims relating to the environment.

-Lenovo has launched its “You Get Old, You Fill Yourself With Content” campaign, created in partnership with Fantástica.

-Lunchables is launching “Lunchabuild This,” a campaign developed by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners to make fun things with food.

-Meta senior director, global customer and business marketing Stacy Malone is switching platforms, joining Pinterest as vice president of global business marketing.
