Friday Morning Stir

By Doug Zanger 

-Livestock tank as a raft? Yeah, this is what they do in Nebraska—and is the continuation of the Vladimir Jones campaign that reminds you that, honestly, it’s not for everyone.

-A handy primer on what Accenture has acquired in addition to Droga5.


Smokey Bear: The Emoji. Also now voiced by Al Roker and Stephen Colbert.

Jamie Gutfreund, Wunderman Thompson’s global CMO, is headed to Hasbro.

Prince Harry doesn’t care much for Fortnite and thinks it should be banned in the U.K.

The Bud Knight lives! And you thought he was never coming back after the Super Bowl.

-What the? There is now a Cadbury Creme Egg-flavored mayo. Thanks, Kraft Heinz. We think.
