Wilma: O’Brien’s Horseshoe-Shaped Site

By Brian 

Miles O’Brien and his crew have managed to transmit crystal-clear images from downtown Naples during the height of Hurricane Wilma. “This is a testimony really to how well we plan a hurricane,” he said. At 8:15am, CNN producer Rich Phillips appeared with O’Brien to explain how.

“Basically it’s a horseshoe-shaped building,” Phillips said. “…It’s one of the things that we look for to make sure that we have protection. In this area we actually found the perfect location, where we’re actually protected on three sides…The dish hasn’t moved an inch.”

“This is as good a situation for television as you can find,” Phillips added. O’Brien was impressed: “I don’t think I’ve ever been able to broadcast in this kind of wind before, so a top of the hat to you for finding this site,” he said…
