Wilma: Overnight Cable

By Brian 

FNC: The Lineup was pre-empted on Sunday night. The Big Story Weekend aired at 8, and On The Record was live at 9. Greg Kelly and Uma Pemmeraju took over at 11pm with Fox News Live. Gregg Jarrett and Carol Iovanna took the next shift, and Fox & Friends First started at 5am. (Kiran Chetry is in for E.D. Hill.)

CNN: Carol Lin anchored into Monday morning, when Betty Nguyen and Tony Harris took over. (Chad Myers and Rob Marciano were treated like co-anchors at some points.) Carol Costello started anchoring Daybreak at 4am. American Morning commenced at 6am, with Miles O’Brien in Naples and Zain Verjee in NYC.

MSNBC: The network was live Sunday afternoon with Milissa Rehberger. Joe Scarborough anchored an 8pm broadcast, but MS returned to tape at 9pm. Live coverage returned at 2am, hosted by Bill Fitzgerald. Kristine Johnson took over for half an hour at 5am; Imus started at 6…
