‘Fake Steve Jobs’ = Real Forbes editor

By Steve Safran 

“Fake Steve Jobs” has been outed – and is a guy with a surprisingly mainstream job. For those not in the know, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs has been one of the wittier fakeblogs out there. “Fake Steve” is downright insightful and more than occasionally potty-mouthed. Which is why I was surprised to find out that the man behind Fake Steve is Daniel Lyons, a senior editor for Forbes magazine. NY Times reporter Brad Stone put the pieces together, and Lyons admitted he was surprised it took everyone so long to figure out that Fake Steve was him. From the NY Times:

“I’m stunned that it’s taken this long,” said Mr. Lyons, 46, when a reporter interrupted his vacation in Maine on Sunday to ask him about Fake Steve. “I have not been that good at keeping it a secret. I’ve been sort of waiting for this call for months.”

Still, all is not lost for the Fake Steve fans. He has a book coming out in October called “oPtion$: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs.”And, lest you think Lyons has dropped out of character, Fake Steve announced the outing on the blog:


My cover has been blown. Guy named Brad Stone, who works for the New York Times. Have you heard of him? Well, tip of the hat to you, Brad Stone. You did the sleuthing. You put the pieces of the puzzle together. You went through my trash, hacked into my computer, and put listening devices in my home. Now you’ve ruined the mystery of Fake Steve, robbing thousands of people around the world of their sense of childlike wonder.
