Online video married with social networking

By David Johnson 

So, you’ve tricked out your profile page, invited your friends, and linked up to all your peeps…. now what do you do in your favorite social networking site? The folks at Bebo are thinking you might want to watch and participate in a serialized video show. Since it debuted on the London-based site just a short while ago, KateModern (a “spinoff” from the creators of LonelyGirl15) is taking off and bleeding into all kinds of areas of the site that blur the lines between the fictional characters and the real people watching it in the online community. “YouTube is a great place to broadcast linear video, as you can only comment on things or forward them,” said Bebo President Joanna Shields. “In social-networking sites … people can react and speculate and give [the character] clues, and you know the plotline is feeding into the community. I think there’s a potential to build a new form of entertainment here.”
