Covers Revealed for 3 New Neil Gaiman Paperbacks

By Maryann Yin 

Neil Gaiman Portrait (GalleyCat)Neil Gaiman has unveiled the covers for the new paperback editions of three of his novels: Stardust, Anansi Boys, and Neverwhere. We’ve embedded the full images with the new jacket art below—what do you think?

According to Gaiman’s blog postRobert E. McGinnis came on board to create the painting that became the jacket art and Todd Klein produced the logo. Click here to learn more about the design process for the Stardust cover from Klein’s blog post.

This new edition of Stardust will be released on Sept. 27. The Anansi Boys paperback will hit bookstores on Oct. 25. Finally, the Neverwhere paperback will come out on Nov. 29.

Stardust Paperback (GalleyCat)

Anansi Boys Paperback (GalleyCat)

Neverwhere Paperback (GalleyCat)