Tuesday Stir

By Kyle O'Brien 

-Energy pipeline company Enbridge has launched its new “Tomorrow Is On” campaign with a rooster and a Stevie Wonder song. The video follows a rooster showing how the company is bridging to a cleaner energy future. Strutting to a rendition of Stevie Wonder’s “Higher Ground,” the rooster makes his way through a world waking up and turning on with conventional and renewable energies. While a rooster is the hero in the video ads, the sunrise is used throughout other communications to symbolize the transition to a new day in the campaign by Leo Burnett.

-What can agencies do when something goes wrong with a client relationship? David Bates, the CEO of Bokeh, gives some sound advice.


-The market for sex toys is forecast to grow, with progressive Gen Z-ers representing a significant growth opportunity for advertisers in the space, yet rules around explicit content keep brands from reaching their intended audiences.

-As part of its “90stalgia drops,” AriZona Hard Iced Tea is releasing the third and final item in a series of limited-time themed summer essentials—a set of colorful rollerblades.

-Pet toys and treats subscriptions service Bark is offering dog devotees the ultimate accessory: a free tattoo of their furry friend.

-If you need your Bob Ross fix and don’t mind a Canadian ad world knockoff, Canadian meal kit delivery service Goodfood and agency John St. have you covered.

-Another reminder that submissions are now open for Adweek’s Agency of the Year awards for 2022. We’ve added a couple of categories and we’re introducing our open submission process.
