Thursday Stir

By Kyle O'Brien 

Today is 4/20, the high day of cannabis marketing, so we’re handing over Stir to Terry Stanley, Adweek’s senior editor covering cannabis marketing.

-Formal dining is a relic from another era, something that might show up in classic black-and-white movies. That you’re binge watching. While eating ribs on the couch. Postmates and its agency Mother LA understand the contemporary reality and offer a judgement-free fix: the Takeoutfit, described as “the perfect new-fashioned dining ensemble to wear when you’re ordering in, laying back and feasting on food.”


The product is real—available for a limited time for $50—and drops for 4/20, the annual celebration of all things cannabis. Takeoutfit’s features include a fold-down pocket that snaps onto heat-resistant thigh pads to form a “food stabilizing surface,” built-in emergency utensil, a “flavor enhancement pouch” stocked with Truff hot sauce and detachable napkin sleeves.

A video, from director Kate Adams and production company SixTwentySix, aims to “play on the outdated expectation that formal dining still happens at dining tables,” per the creatives, and “match the absurdity and genius that is the Takeoutfit.”

The stunt joins a long line of marriages of food and 4/20, as well as continuing a hearty tradition of brands indulging consumers’ sloth with snack-centric wearables, including streetwear stunts and a Jack in the Box and Weedmaps partnership. -T.L. Stanley

-To hear more from Terry, listen to her recent guest spot on Adweek’s latest podcast, talking about 4/20 marketing.
