Study Finds Mass Media Campaigns Can Effectively Reduce High-Risk Sexual Behavior Among Impulsive, Sensation-Seeking Young Adults

By SuperSpy 

Seriously, too bad Jamie Lynn Spears wasn’t paying more attention.

“Targeted mass media campaigns alone can be effective in convincing high sensation-seeking, impulsive decision-making young adults to adopt safer sex practices, according to a study conducted by the Department of Communication at the University of Kentucky with funding from the National”
Institute of Mental Health.”


“The 21-month-long study assessed the impact of a televised public
service announcement (PSA) campaign on changing safer sex beliefs and
behaviors. Specifically, the study found that the campaign effectively
increased condom use among high-risk young adults, on average, by 13
percent. Similar effects were found on intentions to use condoms in the future and in perceived ability to use condoms. Impact analysis suggests that the campaign may have resulted in 181,224 fewer unprotected intercourse occasions among the targeted population than would have normally occurred without exposure to the PSAs.”

Advertising can keep you from having sex? No shit. Ask anyone working right now whether that’s true. Sigh.

Read the whole press release here.
