Fire Your Agency Via Dear John Letter

By SuperSpy 

Adverganza points us to a site called Dear Agency, which was created by Portland Oregon shop, Citrus. Answer a few questions via drop down menu (i.e. “How many fresh ideas have they given you in the past few months?”) and volia! Instant break-up letter. Our letter went like this:

“You’re confused, are you? Let me clarify. Over the past year, you’ve tried to sell me regurgitated award show ideas that no self-respecting agency would even put down on paper, let alone present. Do you really think a garrulous reptile is a new idea? Let alone a good one? Here’s a tip: If it’s been done as a failed ad campaign AND a failed TV show, it’s not going to make my brand famous. Same goes with babies, cavemen and anything else that might require an on-location “wrangler.””


Good times.
