Failed Attempt to Lure Kevin Spacey Wins YouTube Creative Festival

By Kiran Aditham 

Google Australia held its YouTube Creative Festival recently, and the big winner was Ogilvy Sydney, which concocted this amusing clip. The brief: Create a two-minute short around the theme of space. The agency’s idea? Get Kevin Spacey to star in an ad in space that promotes old Pillsbury product, Space Food Sticks. Well, as we already spoiled it for you in the headline,  O&M failed in their mission to lure the Oscar-winning actor, who’s probably still nestled in the theater world in London somewhere. Anyhow, here’s their somewhat half-hearted attempt that was still good enough to win the competition.

Credits via:


Jono Paull (copywriter)
Denny Handlin (copywriter)
Henri Azzi (art director)
Simon Fowler (copywriter)
