Accenture’s Brian Whipple Goes Undercover as an Announcer for the Dogs

By Kyle O'Brien 

Accenture Interactive CEO Brian Whipple is very serious about his work, but the longtime executive knows that, especially after the year we’ve all had, people need a little levity. So Whipple donned a fake wig and mustache, outfitted his dog the same way, and made an Instagram video spoof of a March Madness-style bracket challenge just for the fun of it all.

In the nearly five-minute video, Whipple plays Phil MaBelly, a sportscaster on the “Totally Legit” sports network. He’s joined by his dog, who on set goes by the name Harry Barker but is actually Whipple’s pup George. The two explain (Barker in a southern accent with wildly gesturing fake paws) that it’s time for “George Madness,” a single elimination tournament that involves the real George picking his favorite treats.

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16 snacks go head to head, like steak versus carrots, and bacon versus chopped liver. Ultimately, it comes down to what snack George chooses as the ultimate winner. The video is filled with snappy one liners and some visuals of food with faces that might remind some of the Quiznos Spongmonkeys.

Ultimately, Whipple said he put out the video because he wanted people of all ages to have a laugh—he said through a spokesperson that he wanted the challenge of making something funny to a seven year old. It’s all about fun, clean humor.

The video was teased on Instagram with the bracket logo and a cute pic of George chewing on a chew toy, stating “Prepare for the most important tournament in March.” Whipple’s character states that the challenge kicks off March 18, so stay tuned to his Instagram channel for any potential follow-ups.

A teaser for George Madness.
