Viewer Tells Grand Rapids NBC Anchor She Looked ‘Like a Whore’

By Kevin Eck 

WOOD weekend evening anchor Whitney Burney revealed what a viewer told her when he weighed in on her appearance over the weekend.

“If you are the anchor on WOOD TV8, this is for you. If not, and I can’t tell for sure, please disregard and forward to whomever is the anchor. Your makeup makes you look like a whore. Do yourself a favor and cleanup,” wrote the viewer who signed the email “James D. Gilbert, MD.”

Burney has worked at WOOD since 2019. She posted a picture (right) of what she looked like when she anchored for the Grand Rapids NBC affiliate to give context to what the viewer was complaining about.


“The kinds of emails you get when you work in news,” wrote Burney. “He even had the nerve to leave his cell phone, address and occupation in the email signature. And said if I’m the wrong person please forward this message. Huh?? LMAO.”

Homa Bash, an anchor at WEWS in Cleveland retweeted the note, saying, “the audacity, the ignorance, the cruelty of people behind keyboards never ceases to shock.”
