Report: ‘Leno’ Caused Drastic Drop in Local Ratings

By Andrew Gauthier 

Huffington Post

A study emerged Wednesday illustrating just how damaging Jay Leno‘s prime-time show was to NBC’s local stations.

The research firm Harmelin Media said local NBC stations saw their late news audience drop by an average of 25 percent in November compared with the previous year among 25- to 54-year-old viewers. That’s the demographic upon which news advertising rates are based.


The decline was particularly steep in some of the largest markets: 48 percent in New York, 43 percent in Los Angeles and 47 percent in Philadelphia.

NBC cited concerns among its 210 local stations in ditching the weeknight experiment of “The Jay Leno Show” at 10 p.m. The network wants to move Leno back to 11:35 for a half-hour show. More…
