Veteran Journalists Struck By Scope of Haitian Disaster

By Andrew Gauthier 


Every major news outlet from around the world sent reporters to earthquake-ravaged Haiti this week and they have all been reporting the same thing: the aftermath of the 7.0 earthquake is more severe than one can appropriately capture with words or a camera. Here’s a round-up (via The Huffington Post) of how anchors and reporters are describing their struggle reporting on the calamity…

Brian Williams, NBC News:
“Parts of this remind me of hooking up with the 3rd ID arriving in Baghdad airport the night after it fell and living on the ground there. It’s familiar in that it is ominous and sad and beyond the scope of anything Americans have suffered.” More…


Anderson Cooper, CNN:
“The thing that’s difficult about this is that the camera lens is too small to capture what is really happening here. It’s too small to capture the scale, the size, the horror of what’s happening here.” More…

Bill Hemmer, Fox News:
“This is the most inaccessible story I have ever covered. It’s inaccessible in so many ways: our ability to communicate, our ability to move around, our ability to get information.” More…
