KCPQ Boosts Morning Ratings By Appealing to Seattle’s Gen Y

By Andrew Gauthier 

Seattle PI

Every broadcaster, every news organization is on Twitter and Facebook and YouTube. They blog and post, desperate to connect and consort. It is Marketing 101 for any business trying to sell a product to Generation Y. But, especially with its morning newscast, which recently added a fifth hour at 9 a.m., KCPQ is resonating with younger viewers. (In only its second week, the new 9 a.m. hour on “Q13Fox News” leapt to No. 1 in the Nielsen ratings in the key 25-54 demo coveted by advertisers.)

The newscast, anchored by Mark Wright and Lily Jang, has the informal feel that many stations have tried to capture and few manage to master. It’s not Walter Cronkite’s newscast, nor Dorothy Bullitt’s. Jang is bubbly and eager; Wright is the older sibling who can crack up the newsroom with his deadpan humor. More…

