Houston Reporter Rescues Kitten From Floodwaters on Live TV

By Stephanie Tsoflias Siegel 

On Tuesday, KRIV reporter Chelsea Edwards won the day with what might be the cutest live shot ever.

The Houston reporter was reporting on flooding in the area from heavy rain when she noticed a kitten crying out. Viewers went wild on social media as she made an impromptu rescue on live TV.

“Flooded… with love!” one viewer wrote.


After the live shot, Edwards took the kitten home and named her Beta.”‘Beta’ the rescue kitten is much drier now!” Edwards wrote on Twitter. “She took to a liking to a rain-softened dog biscuit I forgot in my pocket. I’ve gotten a couple requests, so I’ll post an update on where she goes!”

Beta was later adopted by a family who reached out to Edwards over social media.
