Vargas Has Ruled Out A Return To WNT– And She’s Changed Her Mind About Iraq

By Brian 

Elizabeth Vargas feels “‘an enormous amount of sadness’ that a job to which she had aspired for sometime had slipped from her grasp,” Jacques Steinberg writes in Wednesday’s Times. Here’s the most important part:

“Ms. Vargas said she had ruled out returning to “World News” as a co-anchor following her maternity leave because of the stresses of raising two young children. ‘I don’t think it’s fair to a new baby to have a new mom who’s off in Iraq or Iran all the time,’ she said. ‘I certainly intend to be doing that in a few years. But right now it’s not realistic for me.’ (In February Ms. Vargas was quoted as telling The Philadelphia Inquirer that she expected to return to Iraq soon after her baby was born.)”

> Feb. 15, Inquirer: “It’s ‘critically important’ for journalists to report from the field, Vargas says. She says she fully anticipates going back to Iraq soon after the baby is born.”
