Inside Edition Broadcasts From Deborah Norville’s Kitchen

By A.J. Katz 

No, Deborah Norville is not launching a cooking show. At least that we’re aware of.

With the CBS Broadcast Center closed due to a trio of New York-based CBS Newsers testing positive for COVID-19, Inside Edition decided to broadcast from Norville’s home. From her kitchen, to be exact.

The legendary weekday newsmagazine was produced and assembled from Inside Edition’s Los Angeles bureau, and the program staffers worked from home.


Today’s open:

Hello, everybody, and thank you for joining us. Our broadcast today is a little bit different because Inside Edition has been hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Our staff are fine, but we were ordered evacuated from our office building because a CBS employee who works on a different floor tested positive for coronavirus.

I’m anchoring the broadcast from my kitchen and our Inside Edition team is standing by. We’ll check in with everybody in a moment.

Will Norville deliver the news from the friendly confines of her kitchen next week? That depends on when the CBS Broadcast Center re-opens, of course. We’ll let you know when we hear more.
