The Ticker: Hume, Vargas, McCuddy…

By Brian 

> Brit Hume‘s interview with President Bush airs at 6 p.m. tonight on the Fox News Channel, the NYDN notes…

> “Take a good listen to the open of World News Tonight,” an e-mailer says. “The announce now has the anchors’ names — something it hasn’t had since the week after Peter died. Who gets top billing? Vargas.”

> WorldNetDaily: “A Saudi prince who owns shares of the Fox News Channel claims he persuaded network chief Rupert Murdoch to change a screen banner during a broadcast that identified the recent unrest in France as ‘Muslim riots.'” The headline on Think Progress: “Saudi Prince Calls Murdoch And Changes Fox News.”

> Page Six reprints one of FNCer Bill McCuddy‘s jokes: “One of our makeup artists got Kofi Annan ready for a TV appearance at the U.N. the other day. Kind of embarrassing, when she told him the makeup was oil-based, out of habit he gave her food.”
