Send Bill O’Reilly To Darfur

By Brian 

E&P (via Romenesko): “New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof resumed his exchange with TV/radio talkster Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday, asking readers to contribute to a fund to send O’Reilly to Darfur. Kristof said he would ante up the first $1000.”

“Imagine the furor Mr. O’Reilly could stir up if he publicized the hundreds of thousands of rapes, murders and mutilations in Darfur. He could save lives on a grand scale,” Kristof wrote in the Times.

O’Reilly apparently said there’s no way he can go to Africa because he does three hours of daily news analysis on TV and radio. But Kristof replied that with a satellite phone, “you can do your show from anywhere.”

E-mail and say how much you’re willing to pay toward O’Reilly’s expenses in Darfur. I’ll contribute $100…

> Dec. 20: “O’Reilly Ignores Kristof’s Darfur Challenge”

> Dec. 19: “Let Us All Pray For Bill O’Reilly”

> July 26: NYT’s Kristof: “If Only Michael Jackson’s Trial Had Been Held In Darfur”
