Roger Ailes Is Everywhere

By Brian 

Three items about Roger Ailes today:

> Broadcasting & Cable: “One Ailes goal” for the stations group “is to create new national programming for the stations, including a morning news show, a late-night talk show and a crime-oriented show for other dayparts.”

> TV Week: “Word is that Mr. Ailes may not name an executive producer” for Geraldo At Large “until after he has assigned its development to a ‘strike team’ of people who know what Mr. Ailes likes and what has made Fox News Channel the dominant cable news network.” Rivera “is likely to be supported by field reporters, who are still to be named.”

> NY Daily News: Ailes will speak on a panel about politics and culture at Harvard on Oct. 11 with CNN’s Paul Begala and Judy Woodruff, The Nation’s Katrina vanden Heuvel and Rock the Vote’s Jehmu Green. Tom Brokaw will moderate.
