Has Rita Cosby Covered 30 Hurricanes?

By Brian 

Ahhh: So THIS is why Rita screamed about 50 foot waves that didn’t exist: “Katrina made a lot of us in the media realize that we can’t undersell a hurricane,” MSNBC anchor Rita Cosby tells USA Today. “News organizations, the government, everybody now realizes you’ve got to take Mother Nature seriously.”

Peter Johnson says “Cosby has covered about 30 hurricanes. “That’s two a year for the last 15 years. Of course she hasn’t been on that long but maybe she got confused when that 50 ft. wave hit her the other day,” an e-mailer says.

Thirty hours before the hurricane hit, Rita was yelling about how deadly and dramatic the waves were, when they clearly weren’t deadly and dramatic, another e-mailer adds…
