Ramos Confronts O’Reilly: ‘You Let (Trump) Get Away With Everything’

By Mark Joyella 

Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos accused Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly of being soft on Donald Trump, failing to confront the Republican presidential frontrunner on key issues. “You talk to him so many times, and you let him get away with everything,” Ramos said in an interview Wednesday on The O’Reilly Factor.

O’Reilly, who said he has asked Trump tough questions–enough so that the candidate has called O’Reilly “unfair,” pushed back–suggesting Univision’s critical coverage of Trump’s comments on immigrants makes it impossible for the network to cover the Trump campaign fairly. “If you, the top guy, has demonized him as a racist, how can you possibly cover him?”

“I think as a journalist, you have to take a stand,” Ramos said. “I don’t know what’s in (Trump’s) heart, but I know what’s coming out of his mouth, and what he’s said about Mexican immigrants is wrong. What he’s said about women is unacceptable, what he’s said about Muslims is simply un-American.

